2006/09--2010/07,山东科技大学, 无机非金属材料工程,工学学士;
2010/09--2015/07,山东大学, 材料学, 工学博士;
2015/08-至今, bwin官网登录入口, 材料科学与工程学院, 讲师。
1.参与国防科工委军品配套项目 , xxxxxx/Si3N4天线罩材料制备
2.参与国防科工委军品配套项目 , 高效xxxxxx收剂制备研制
3.参与国防科工委军品配套项目, xxxx装甲用xxxx薄层陶瓷制备技术研究
4.参与国防科工委军品配套项目, xxxx陶瓷复合靶板结构模拟设计
1. Yujun Zhao; *Yujun Zhang; Hongyu Gong; Xianli Wang; Haibin Sun. Effects of Y2O3–MgO nanopowders content on mechanical and dielectric properties of porous BN/Si3N4 composites Ceramics International, 41(3, Part A), pp 3618-3623, 2015/4.
2. Yujun Zhao; *Yujun Zhang; Hongyu Gong; Haibin Sun; Qisong Li. Gas pressure sintering of BN/Si3N4 wave-transparent material with Y2O3–MgO nanopowders addition Ceramics International, 40(8, Part B), pp 13537-13541, 2014/9.
3.Yurun Feng; Yujun Zhang; *Hongyu Gong; Xianli Wang; Songwei Che; Yujun Zhao; Xue Guo. Effect of BN content on the mechanical and dielectric properties of porous BNp/Si3N4 ceramics Ceramics International, 42(1, Part A), pp 661-665, 2016/1.
4. Jiaxing Zhao; *Yujun Zhang; Hongyu Gong; Yubai Zhang; Xianli Wang; Xue Guo; Yujun Zhao. Fabrication of high-performance Y2O3 stabilized hafnium dioxide refractories Ceramics International, 41(4), pp 5232-5238, 2015/5.
5. Xianli Wang; *Hongyu Gong; Yujun Zhang; Yurun Feng; Lin Zhang; Yujun Zhao. Effect of AlN content on properties of hot-press sintered Sialon ceramics Ceramics International, 41(3, Part B), pp 4308-4311, 2015/4.
6. Rubin Wen; *Yujun Zhang; Hongyu Gong; Xiaojun Liu; Yazhen Jiang; Yujun Zhao. Pressureless sintering of B4C neutron absorbing material with nano-sized rare-earth compounds addition Advanced Materials Research, 602-604卷, pp 503-507, 2013 冬季.
7. 龚红宇;*张玉军;车松蔚;赵玉军. 粒度对水泥基压电复合材料的压电性能和力学性能的影响. 人工晶体学报, 40(1), pp 213-217, 2011/2.
8.赵玉军;沈建兴;*张玉军. 烧结温度对BN/Si3N4透波材料性能和显微结构的影响.bwin官网登录入口学报(自然科学版), 04期, pp 27-30, 2015/12.
1. 张玉军;谭砂砾;张潇予;龚红宇;赵玉军;赵新巧.一种高近红外反射纳米陶瓷颜料及其制备方法.2013/7/3201210165842.3.
2. 张玉军;谭砂砾;焦倩;赵玉军;张炎;李建权;李其松.一种硅硼氧氮纤维/氮化硅陶瓷复合材料及其制备方法.201210230893X.
3. 张玉军;龚红宇;江雅珍;赵玉军;焦倩;魏汝斌.一种纳米富10B碳化硼粉体的制备方法, 201210166613.3.
4. 龚红宇;冯玉润;张玉军;王仙丽;郭学;赵玉军.一种前驱体转化法制备含乙酰丙酮铁硅碳氮陶瓷的方法