张存,男,中共党员,山东临朐县人,宝石学硕士,矿物学、岩石学、矿床学博士,讲师。中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会鉴定师(GAC)、国家钻石分级师(NGTC)、国家钻石检验员(NGTC)、国家宝玉石检验员(人社部)。2021年6月毕业于中国地质大学(北京),同年9月入职bwin官网登录入口(山东省科学院)bwin必赢唯一官方网站(人才引进)。 邮箱:geozhangc@163.com 联系电话:19801307607 主要研究方向包括: 1)华北克拉通南缘晶质石墨生长及石墨化过程; 2)与石墨、金刚石/钻石(元素碳)相关的俯冲带有机及无机碳循环; 3)中国主要宝玉石矿产资源(和田玉/透闪石玉、蛇纹石玉等)矿床成因机制及成矿远景预测等方面的研究。 目前,所涉及的主要研究领域包括:矿物学(含宝石矿物学)、岩石学、同位素地球化学(δ13C稳定同位素)、全岩地球化学、地质年代学、激光拉曼光谱学、成矿预测及大地构造等。 迄今为止,已经在Geoscience Frontiers、Lithos、Precambrian Research、Geological Journal、Crystals、地学前缘、宝石和宝石学杂志等国内外知名期刊发表学术论文12余篇。审稿期刊包括: Geoscience Frontiers、Geological Journal、岩石矿物学杂志、大地构造与成矿学等。 主持或参与科研项目:主持中央高校基本科研业务费资助优秀导师基金项目/经费5万元;参与中国宝玉石矿产地质研究总结(省部级)/经费40万元。 部分代表性学术论文: Zhang, C., Yu, X.Y., Jiang, T.L., 2019. Mineral association and graphite inclusions in nephrite jade from Liaoning, northeast China: Implications for metamorphic conditions and ore genesis. Geoscience Frontiers, 10(2): 425–437. IF: 4.160 (6.853) SCI Zhang, C., Santosh, M., 2019. Coupled laser Raman spectroscopy and carbon stable isotopes of graphite from the khondalite belt of Kerala, southern India. Lithos, 334–335: 245–253. IF: 3.913 SCI Zhang, C., Yu, X.Y., Yang, F., Santosh, M., Huo, D., 2020. Petrology and geochronology of the Yushigou nephrite jade from the North Qilian Orogen, NW China: Implications for subduction-related processes. Lithos, 380–381. IF: 4.004 SCI Zhang, C., Santosh, M., Yu, X.Y., Rajesh, V.J., 2021.Desiccation drives the growth of crystalline graphite in the cold mantle wedge: Evidence from the Achankovil Suture Zone, southern India. Geological Journal, 56: 2906-2918. IF: 2.489 SCI Li, S-S, Santosh, M., Farkas, J., Redaa, A., Ganguly, S., Kim, S.W., Zhang, C., Gilbert, S.E., Zack, T., 2019. Coupled U-Pb and Rb-Sr laser ablation geochronology trace Archean to Proterozoic crustal evolution in the Dharwar Craton, India. Precambrian Research, 343. IF: 3.834 SCI Yang, F., Xue, F., Santosh, M., Qian, Z.S., Zhang, C., Tu, J.R., 2021. Petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of the Palaeozoic to Mesozoic Niuxinshan granitoids in the North Qilian orogen, NW China. Geological Journal, 56: 3207-3224. IF: 2.489 SCI Kumar, K.S., Chandran, S.R., James, S., Santosh, M., Yang, C.X., Zhang, C., Rajesh, V.J. et al., 2021. Meteorite impact scavenged deep basement rock in the Lonar Crater, Central India. Lithos, 404-405 IF: 4.004 SCI Yu, X.Y., Long, Z.Y., Zhang, Y., Qi, L.J., Zhang, C., et al., 2021. Overview of Gemstone Resources in China, Crystals, 11(10): 1189 IF:2.589 SCI Chen, S.M., Tan, H.L., Zhang, C., et al., 2021. Study on Gemological Characteristics of Blue Sapphires from Baw-mar Mine, Mogok, Myanmar. Crystals, 11(11): 1275 IF:2.589 SCI
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